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About wps forum


The International Forum for Women, Peace and Security (WPS Forum) comes at a time when peace and security are attacked in different parts of the world, with women and girls being yet again at the center of violence,
torture and inhuman treatment. As we continue to navigate unprecedented global challenges, it is more important than ever to ensure that the voices of women are amplified and their contributions are recognized through their direct inclusion in decision-making processes.

The International Forum for Women, Peace and Security (WPS Forum) brings leaders, experts, academics, civil society representatives, influencers, youth and others groups of interest together in the heart of the Western Balkans to discuss current global challenges posed to the WPS Agenda during these uncertain times, as well as, to elaborate on the underlying
importance of this agenda for enduring, equitable and sustainable peace.

This edition of the Forum will focus exclusively on building joint efforts to tackle conflict-related sexual violence, as well as identifying tools and policies to help women and girls navigate safer in times of ever-rising climate security threats. In doing so, the Forum’s objective is to address historical threats to women’s security along with newly arising security challenges, with the ultimate aim of joining forces to further advance the WPS Agenda.

It will be a forum for sharing best practices and lessons learned, as well as developing strategies and designing new frameworks of action in the wake of an ever-changing architecture of security and peace in Europe and

As an initiative of H.E. Dr. Vjosa Osmani Sadriu, President of the Republic of Kosovo, this Forum represents one of the commitments on the side of the institutions of the Republic of Kosovo for the Summit for Democracy.